Useful Links

For Indian students:

The following is a list of some of the relevant links that we think will be helpful for students. This list is simply a resource and is not an endorsement of the any kind, whatsoever.

Standardized Tests
Application Packet
Visa Information
Search Engines
Financing Your US Studies
Overview of US Education System
Pre Departure Information
For Student Athletes
For American students

The following is a list of popular and relevant links. This list is produced simply as a resource for visitors to this website and is not an endorsement of the programs. If you would like to have your website added to this list, please contact us at

Study Abroad Programs In India
Popular Study Abroad Search Engines
General information
US Embassies and Consulates in India

For US visa information for Indian citizens and American citizen services in India, visit the website for the city in your region:

Indian Embassies and Consulates in US

For Indian visa information for US citizens and Indian citizen services abroad, visit the website for the city in your region:
