
Library Automation:

Ours is a fully automated library using LIBSOFT integrated library management software for library operations with OPAC. This software was developed by the Environ Software, Company, Bangalore.

Electronic Resources:

Subscription of N-LIST (National Library and Information Services for Infrastructure Scholarly Content) Programme, which is being jointly executed by the UGC-INFONET Digital Library consortium, is considered as one of the best practices adopted for improving teaching learning process. N-LIST provides access to 6000+ e-journals, bibliographic databases, 30, 00,000+ e-books through the e-mail id and password.

Browsing Access links:

Digital Library : Around 81 CD ROM’s/DVD are available in the Digital Library, which came along with the books and journals and purchased under separate budget head. Students can view the CD’s in Digital Library and the same can be borrowed.

Internet Browsing:  Internet facility with one server and 6 nodes and free internet connection is provided with BSNL Broad Band connectivity.

Reference Services: The library has had a good number of reference books in the reference section. Students and staff can refer the books/documents in the reference section during working hours of the library. Sufficient seating arrangement is provided to the readers.

Reprographic Services: The Institution provides Xerox facility and stationary at a   very marginal rate for the Staff/Students. This is run by the Students and Staff consumer co-operative society of the college. Photo copies of required documents are taken here.

Incentives: To encourage students towards better academic performance, two additional library cards are issued to those who secure distinctions. Two extra books are issued to the students belonging to socially and economically weaker sections.

Departmental Library: Departmental libraries have been established in the respective departments. Staff can make use of the departmental libraries for the purpose of reference.

Other Services: News paper clippings, new arrival of books and journals, faculty publications are provided. Library committee meetings improve our services through discussion and suggestions.